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Europe and North America

Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Association for players and makers of the Irish ‘Uilleann Pipes’ – Na Píobairí Uilleann

Instructor Bill Haneman demonstrating pipe-making techniques at the NPU PipeCraft training facility in Clonshaugh, Co. Dublin, 2011. (Photograph: Gerry Lyons) Na Píobairí Uilleann (NPU), the Society of Uilleann Pipers was founded in 1968 when there were less than 100 uilleann pipers remaining. Today NPU is a thriving arts organisation dedicated…
February 13, 2018
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Conseil québécois du patrimoine vivant

Le Conseil québécois du patrimoine vivant (CQPV) constitue l’ONG de regroupement national en patrimoine immatériel et traditions vivantes, reconnu par le ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec (Canada). Il rassemble et défend les artistes, artisans, chercheurs, individus et plus de 80 organismes à but non-lucratif dans le domaine des…
October 5, 2017
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

The Coastal Federation of Norway (Forbundet KYSTEN)

The Norwegian Coastal Federation (Forbundet KYSTEN) is an organisation dedicated to the preservation of Norwegian coastal culture and maritime heritage. Its mission – in cooperation with other preservers of cultural interests is: • Promoting the preservation and general use of traditional vessels, buildings, and coastal heritage. • Conducting informational activities…
November 14, 2016
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

FIAT-IFTA – International Federation of Thanatologists Associations

Representing the Global Funeral Branch. As International NGO accredited with ICH: creating awareness for funeral traditions and funeral heritage worldwide. Domain(s): (a) oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage;
 (b) performing arts;
 (c) social practices, rituals and festive events; (e) traditional craftsmanship. Main Safeguarding…
October 5, 2016
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Maison des Cultures du Monde

The Maison des Cultures du Monde (i.e. World Cultures Institute) was founded in Paris in 1982 and is dedicated to supporting cultural diversity and promoting ICH. Welcoming traditional performing arts, especially within the framework of the Festival de l’Imaginaire since 1997, the Maison des Cultures du Monde also provides a…
May 3, 2016
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Cultural Research Foundation – CRF

Mesir Macunu festival Cultural Research Foundation – CRF (Kültürel Araştırmalar Vakfı – KAV), within the scope of its establishment, performs social works in order to constitute heritage awareness at a social level and take steps to protect the traditional values, which are exposed to a swift extinction due to the…
December 21, 2015
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Association for the preservation of popular traditions (ATCP)

After the crisis of Sicilian traditional puppetry, the Association was established and in 1975 it founded, and still manages, the ethno-anthropological Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino (Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum), which houses 5,000 items used in traditional puppetry from different countries. lt aims to safeguard and revitalize puppet…
December 15, 2015
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

 Centre for Agrarian History (CAG)

The non-governmental organization CAG (Centre for Agrarian History) is officially recognized by the Flemish Government as an expertise centre for the heritage of agriculture and food. CAG aims to study and safeguard the history of agriculture, countryside and food since 1750. CAG wants to make this heritage accessible for a…
December 11, 2015
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Museums Galleries Scotland

Museums Galleries Scotland (or MGS) is the National Development Body for the museums and galleries sector in Scotland. We are also the first accredited ICH NGO in the UK. We act as the representative for Scotland’s museums and galleries, custodians of Scotland’s rich and diverse intangible and tangible cultural heritage…
November 2, 2015
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Memória Imaterial CRL

Memória Imaterial CRL (Intangible Memory CRL) is the manager and responsible for MEMORIAMEDIA project - a web museum that produces, shows and shares videos, documentaries and studies related with intangible cultural heritage. The MEMORIAMEDIA project began in 2006 (formally in 2008) and has as main objectives: The research, inventorying, safeguarding…
May 20, 2015
Europe and North AmericaNGOs


LECA was founded in 1992 as an ethnology organisation. Currently LECA is acknowledged by the Flemish secretary of Culture as the expertise centre on the culture of everyday life in Flanders, with a distinct focus on the heritage of festivities and rituals and the tradition bearers concerned. With the 2003…
November 20, 2014
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association

Since 1910 The Norwegian Folk Art and Craft Association have been keeping folk art and crafts vital and continuously developing. As a non-governmental organization with more than 24 000 members, we are the main organization in Norway working to promote crafts locally and nationally, and to improve the awareness and the…
November 20, 2014
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Association for the conservation of folk traditions

The ATCP operates in the fields of demo ethno anthropological science, museum, theatre, art and music and since its foundation it has been making scientific researches and publishing and promotional activities, on a national and international range. The ATCP makes research and educational activities; museum activities, connected to the management…
September 17, 2014
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Simbdea – Italian Society for Museum and Heritage Anthropology

Simbdea (Società Italiana per la Museografia e i Beni Demoetnoantropologici - Italian Society for Museum and Heritage Anthropology) was founded in 2001 and its members are scholars, professionals, amateurs and volunteers who put the anthropological perspective and ethnographic methodologies at the service of the documentation, production, enhancement and dissemination of…
October 6, 2013
Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Workshop intangible heritage (BE)

  Workshop intangible heritage (Werkplaats immaterieel erfgoed, in Dutch) has taken an active role from 2003 onwards in the field regarding the development of policies and network cooperation around living heritage. We take a role as cultural broker in the field, building bridges between governments, institutions, ICH communities and groups,…
July 3, 2013