The aim of the meeting is to take further steps in the organization of NGO activities contributing to the implementation of the 2003 Convention and in developing the structure of the ICH NGO Forum. Here you’ll find the detailed programme (click here to download the pdf file).
2015 will mark twelve years since the approval by the UNESCO General Conference of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which has meant an enormous step forward in the recognition and promotion of Popular Culture worldwide.
This is why UNESCO is aware that the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage will only be effective if it involves, in a practical way, the people and communities that keep this heritage alive. In this respect, the NGOs accredited by the Convention have a key role in achieving this objective.
In December 2014 the Paris ICH NGO Forum approved the proposal submitted by the ENS de l’Associacionisme Cultural Català to organise a 1st International Conference of accredited NGOs, to be held in Catalonia in 2015.
This Conference is aimed at NGOs accredited by the Convention but can also be attended by international scholars, interested people or groups, associations, Catalan public institutions and university sectors.
– Improve the contribution of NGOs to the objectives and implementation of the Convention.
– Strengthen local awareness in favour of intangible cultural heritage.
– Foster contact between the accredited NGOs.
– Share experiences on the different models of NGOs based upon its working way: cooperation with developing countries, grassroots, local, para-governmental, independent…
• Facilitate exchange of knowledge and experiences between NGOs.
• Identify the difficulties in the work of NGOs.
• Study the relations with the other agents involved in the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (authorities, experts…).
• Debate the function of NGOs in the transmission of intangible cultural heritage.
The Conference will have two levels of participation, different in form and time but complementary:
• From March to May 2015 the Online Conference will be held, aimed at deciding the topics to be addressed during the In-Person Conference, whose objective is to enable everybody to participate by contributing their views and making proposals. Participation in this first phase will be through the Internet platform www.delibera.info. Full details will follow.
• On 8, 9 and 10 June 2015 the In-Person Conference will take place during which the questions agreed and clarified in the previous online process and other issues that may be proposed will be worked on by groups.
Conference will take place on 6 to 13 June in the Catalan town of Santa Susanna (Barcelona) at Hotel Mercury. Also, during that week there will be complementary activities involving coach trips.
– Saturday 6 June:
reception of participants, registration and introductions. Afternoon, reception at Santa Susanna Town Council (Barcelona).
– Sunday 7 June:
morning, transfer to Berga to participate in La Patum, which forms part of the Representative List of World ICH. Return to the hotel and lunch. Rest of the day free.
– Monday 8 and Tuesday 9:
morning and afternoon, work sessions of the Conference in the hotel. Along these days, it will be included fun events to show the Catalan culture.
– Wednesday 10 June:
• Morning: conclusions of the Conference.
• 19:00: reception at the Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Government) and at Barcelona City Council. Institutional dinner.
– Thursday 11 June:
• Morning: Visit to Arbúcies to see the contribution of ICH to sustainable development. Activity recognised in the Register of programmes, projects and activities for the safeguarding of ICH (good practices).
• Afternoon: visit to the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona (registered on the World Heritage List) and attendance at a rehearsal of a group of castellers (human towers), registered on the Representative List of World ICH.
– Friday 12:
• Free day. Possibility of attending a guided tour of Gaudí’s La Sagrada Família in the morning (free prior registration).
• Farewell.
In the work session there will be a simultaneous English/Catalan, Catalan/English translation service.
Those interested in participating in the Inperson Conference must register before april 15th, 2015 by completing the form you will find in the web page: www.ich.cat, and paying the full cost of the stay by bank transfer. Participants can come with companions. They can enjoy all the activities organized free of charge and under the same economic conditions as the participants in terms of stay.
• Online conference: free.
• In-person conference: accommodation from 6 to 13 June 2015, full board, airport pick-up and transfer (to/from El Prat-Barcelona or Girona-Costa Brava), complementary programmed activities: €235.00 (two hundred and thirty-five euros) per person in a double room and €343.00 (three hundred and fortythree euros) in a single room. Tourist tax (€1.00 person/day) and drinks are not included.
ENS de l’Associacionisme Cultural Català
Pl. de Víctor Balaguer 5, 5è • E-08003 Barcelona • El Barcelonès
Tel. (34) 93 269 10 42 • info@ich.cat • www.ich.cat
I am from Delhi India and associated with certain NGOs, I would like to attend this conference. Please let me know what has to be done by replying to my e-mail.
Thank you.
Mahesh Sharma