Amravati India
October 11, 2016
Org. by: Vyayam Prasarak Mandal Amravati
In collaboration with TAFISA Regional Centre for Traditional Sports & Games, Amravati
About 3000 students & youths from different States of India will be displaying various sports and traditional activities in group and individual form on the background of music. The show will run from 05:00 pm to 07:30 pm at the Dasera Festival Ground, Badnera Road, Amravati. RSVP: Dr. S. H. Deshpande – shdeshpande40@gmail.com
Shree Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal Amravati – INDIA
(Its contribution to safeguard and promote India’s Traditional Sports & Games)
HVPM has been working in the field of traditional sport and physical culture for the last 100 years.
HVPM has developed its own brand of presenting traditional sports and physical culture on the background of music befitting to different age groups including girls & women.
HVPM had made history when it was honored to display India’s traditional sports, games and physical activities on international platform of World Sports Pedagogic Congress during XI Olympic Games at Berlin- Germany.
HVPM has adopted several means to propagate and popularize traditional system.
Developed curriculum of traditional sports & games
Conduct regular coaching classes in TSG for local population.
Conduct summer camps in TSG every year since the year 1925 onward till today. Thousands of Youths of different States have been benefitted.
Undertaken demonstration-cum- propaganda tours of contingent consisting of 150 to 200 sports men/women in different States of India to showcasing traditional sports and physical activities before large gatherings. So far till today approximately 100 cities and towns of about 25 States of India (covering from J & K state to Chennai- north- south and from Gujarat- Saurashtra to Manipur- Andaman &Nicobar islands. More than 5 million people had watched the programs.
Research and development program in TSG is regularly being carried out to the level of Master’s and Doctoral degrees.
Demonstration-cum Propaganda tours with a contingent of 10 /25 members in different countries for showcasing of Indian TSG to the local audience. So far visited 25 countries covering about 50 cities where displays were organized.
Introduced TSG in the school and college curriculum of local through proper channel.
Deputed official speakers at different International Conferences/ Seminar including Olympic Games to present their thoughts on India’s TSG.
Published conducive literature /books and periodicals related to TSG.
Government of India through Ministry of Education & Culture had deputed to this Institute research scholar to conduct research in Indian physical activities. (1960-61.)
Regularly organizing the Sports Festival in traditional and modern forms of exercises and sports in the month of October every year in which approx. 4000 school children,
Youths of different States participate and about 25-30
Thousand spectators attend.
- Introduced various level courses in Yogashastra (B.A, M.A, and PGDYT. DYEd) regulated by local University; and certificate level courses in Yoga and Naturopathy.
Included Yoga and TSG program in teacher education program regulated by National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE).
Representatives of HVPM had been nominated by the Government of India on Central Advisory Board of Physical Education & Recreation to advice on preparing National Plan of Physical Education. This plan contained various traditional activities and sports for schools and training colleges of physical education curriculum. (1948-1962).
HVPM had organized first All-India Physical Education Conference at Amravati (1946) with the theme of traditional sports & games that was attended by 2000 representatives from different States of India. Displays of various traditional sports and physical activities by groups of these States, was special attraction.
Lately, in 2013 on the eve of its Centenary Year a Global Conference on Traditional Physical Cultures, Sports and Games were organized at its campus with great success. Delegates of 30 countries, local delegates representing various universities, research institutes, sports bodies, and colleges had participated in the Conference in large number. Preparations for this mega event were started quite earlier. Delegates of the Mandal were deputed to European countries viz. Poland, Germany, France and England also at International Conferences held at Lithuania and South Africa for extending invitation of the event. Six international organizations and UNESCO Regional Office Delhi had granted their patronage to the event. Meetings of Board of Directors of TAFISA and Presidents Committee of ICSSPE were held at Amravati during the Conference. The Mandal has signed MoU with the organizations, institutions and companies located in Denmark, Germany and Japan for exchange of sports persons, teachers and students, so also to share technology. The event has paid dividend to the Mandal. Under these MoUs
TSG talents are invited to display their skills and performances in TSG in Germany and Denmark. Two of our excellent players are in Germany for one year on contract basis to present displays of Malkhamb.