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OTA (Oral Traditions Association) has been carrying out conservation activities for 25 years, especially the oral tradition in Indonesia. OTA has been holding International Seminar and Festival every three years since 1993—2006 and every two years from 2006 – now. In various seminars and lectures at universities we provide lectures about the content of the Convention.

We have proposed various program implementations to the government. Among other things, what matters is the maestro program of traditions which started in 2OO5. This programme managed to provide allowances every month until the maestro died. In cooperation with The National Education Ministry OTA provides scholarships namely Study of Oral Traditions Program (MOU 2009-2014). This program grants scholarships especially for magister&doctoral students. Participants are young lecturers from various universities around Indonesia. This program also train and prepare a number of scholars for research and fieldwork on endangered languages and cultural activities in different areas all over Indonesia. Primarily it is necessary to conduct a general survey to understand the present situation of intangible cultural heritage in Indonesia, and to plan a strategy of protecting the most endangered species.

Research in the various regions had been completed such as: oral tradition of Suku Anak Dalam in Jambi (Continuities and discontinuities), Mabissu (Buginese dance ritual), Makyong Performance in province of Kepulauan Riau, Bedalung: oral tradition of Suku Laut (the Sea Tribe) in Province of Bangka Belitung and the art of “Tenun Ikat Flobamora” in East Nusa Tenggara.

Year of accreditation: 2012

Main domain(s) of the ngo’s activities: oral traditions and expressions, social practices, rituals and festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

Main country where the NGO works: Indonesia

Local, national or international level of the NGO: Local, National, International


Year of accreditation: 2012
Main country where the NGO works: Indonesia
Address: Jalan menteng wadas timur no 8 Jakarta, Jakarta Selatan 12970 Indonesia
Telephone: 06281319781555